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Magistrates Tipped On Human Rights-Based Approach
Participants at the strengthening Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) in the administration of Justice workshop

With support from JLOS, the Judicial Training Institute held a one-day workshop for Judicial Officers on strengthening the Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) in the administration of Justice.

The workshop, which took place at Kabira Country Club, attracted more than 15 Chief Magistrates and Magistrates Grade One.

While flagging off the training, the JTI Executive Director, Hon. Lady Justice Damalie N. Lwanga, said the HRBA is a conceptual framework based on international and domestic human rights standards.

"Uganda rafted the international and regional Human Rights Instruments and is, therefore, duty-bound to respect, protect and ensure enforcement of human rights. In 2019, the Human Rights Enforcement Act was enacted, and this provides details and procedures enforcing human rights provided for under Chapter 4 of the Constitution," she said.

On the scope of training, Hon. Lady Justice Lwanga said the training would help participants understand and appreciate challenges in the enforcement of human rights in the justice system and the significance of the human rights-based approach in dispensing Justice.

The JLOS Advisor on Human Rights and Accountability, Mr Musa Modoi, said HRBA was part of Uganda Vision 2040. As such, interventions by JLOS help deepen the observance of human rights across the 18 Sector institutions.

"We draw instructions for HRBA primarily from the Uganda Vision 2040, which recognizes that respect for human rights shall be at the core development planning. And that Government shall ensure that HRBA is integrated into policies, legislation, plans and programmes," he noted.

Mr Modoi emphasized that accountability in an HRBA environment to ensure that policies, legislation, programmes, interventions and the administration of justice processes are responsive to the needs of rights holders.

He pledged JLOS' continuous support to promote HRBA in public service delivery for all its members' institutions. 

The participants were taken through human rights and implication of the Rights and Freedoms in Chapter 4 of the Constitution of Uganda, highlights of the Human Rights Enforcement Act and Regulations. They also discussed challenges in the enforcement of human rights in the justice system and the significance of HRBA in dispensing justice; Best practices and remedies to rights violations.

The facilitators for the day were Hon. Lady Justice Susan Okalany, Dr Harriet Diana Musoke from(Senior Counsel) and Ms Patricia Nduru (Lecturer). At the same time, the Deputy Registrar in Charge of Training, HW Moses Gabriel Angualia, moderated the workshop.

Posted 6th, May 2021
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